Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Worst Shoes for Your Feet

Learn about the effects certain shoes have on your feet and useful tips on correcting these issues:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Studies Link Daily Doses of Aspirin to Reduced Risk of Cancer

Taking aspirin every day may significantly reduce the risk of many cancers and prevent tumors from spreading, according to two new studies published on Tuesday.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sex, Alcohol and Fruit Flies: An Experiment

Scientists are gathering evidence that sexual frustration drives males to drink.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yes, You May-o!

Homemade mayonnaise is one of my favorite foods on the planet, and contrary to my prior assumption, it's practically a health food. Composed almost entirely of mono- and polyunsaturated oils, with a bit of egg and some flavoring thrown in for good measure, real mayonnaise benefits the heart and brain while tantalizing the taste buds.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Colleagues Who Can Make You Fat

They Bring in Treats To Build Teamwork, Celebrate a Birthday ... Or Just Because

Some 29% of people on diets say colleagues pressure them to eat more, make fun of their diets or order them restaurant food they know isn't on their diets, according to a recent survey of 325 dieters by Survey Sampling International for Medi-Weightloss Clinics, a Tampa, Fla., franchiser of physician-supervised weight-loss clinics.

Read More

Monday, March 12, 2012

Breakfast Not Optional!

What’s your excuse for not eating breakfast?

•  “No time?” How much time does it take to eat a bowl of cereal? Make toast and eat it on your way to work. Make your breakfast the night before. Making time for breakfast is making time to be healthy.
•  “Not hungry?” To get started, don’t eat anything after an early supper. Finish supper by 6:30 p.m.
•  “Might gain weight?” Eating breakfast will actually help you reach and maintain your healthy weight. Your appetite will be satisfied longer. You’ll be eating food when you can best burn the calories. You’ll feel great. Eat breakfast.
•  You “don’t like breakfast foods?” You don’t have to eat traditional breakfast foods. You can eat leftovers, or a sandwich. Any healthy food is fine. Caffeine may mask hunger.
•  You “don’t like eating breakfast?” It is in your best interest to eat breakfast. Take the step. Do the right thing. Eat breakfast. 

Simple, easy ways to add Breakfast:
•  Start Small. If your not a breakfast eater, begin with whole wheat toast and/or a piece of fruit. In a few days, add more food.
•  Choose Fruit for Breakfast. Fruit gives you fiber. Fresh fruit is the best choice. There are many to choose from: oranges, grapefruits, apples, bananas, grapes, kiwis, mangos, melons, berries. Eat two servings of fruit every morning. Canned fruit packed in juice is also a good choice. Add dried fruit to your cereal.
•  Eat High Fiber Hot Cereal. Hot cereal is the best choice, but there are several brands of cold cereal on the market that are high in fiber and low in sugar. Oatmeal is a favorite hot cereal. Try a seven grain cereal and experiment with different grains such as millet, brown rice, quinoa, corn grits for a variety. Try cooking grains in a crock pot overnight and it’s already the next morning. Or cook up a large batch and re-heat the next day. Make your own granola. Add a high fiber cereal to your favorite low fiber cereal. Gradually increase the amount of the high fiber cereal and decrease the amount of the low fiber cereal. For example, if you like cornflakes, add Wheat Chex to the cornflakes. Each morning add a little more Wheat Chex and a little less Cornflakes.
•  Choose Whole Grain Bread. Eat two slices of toast in the morning or a whole grain bagel. Spread with fruit spread or applesauce or your favorite nut butter.
•  Make Healthy Pancakes or Waffles. Have you ever considered topping your pancakes or waffles with fruit?
•  Instead of scramble eggs try scrambled tofu. You’re in for a great surprise.
•  The sky’s the limit. The only limitation is your imagination. Make it a priority. Eat breakfast.

High fiber, ready to eat cereals and whole grain breads.
--Choose a cereal with at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving.
--Choose cereal that have 5 grams or less of sugar per serving.
Remember 4 grams of sugar=1 teaspoon.
--Choose bread with at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per slice.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do You Know Your BMI Index?

Aim for a Healthy WeightWe all aim for a healthy weight... Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Using the link below, you can calculate your BMI right now and see where you are. (Courtesy of National Heart Lung and Blood Institute)

Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Newest Superfood... Coconut!

Coconut Research Center is an entire site dedicated to this super-food.


Red Meat Not Linked to Heart Disease!

After years of worrying that tucking into red meat could lead to a heart attack or cancer, you can relax and enjoy the Sunday roast, say researchers. A report demolishes the ‘myths and misconceptions’ about the meat, saying that most people eat healthy amounts which are not linked to greater risk of disease.


Did Steve Jobs' Diet Contribute to His Early Demise?

Interesting article on how a high carbohydrate, vegan diet may actually contribute to cancer. Read More

Is the FDA food pyramid a myth? Mark Hyman, MD: Says it may be bad for you.

Got milk?

These days, it seems like almost everybody does. Celebrities, athletes, and even former president Clinton's head of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala, are all proud to wear the white "milk mustache." After all, everyone knows that you need milk to be healthy...

Dairy is nature's perfect food -- but only if you're a calf.